Whether you’re taking, one on one, face to face lessons with your local music teacher, taking virtual lessons with your favorite online music teacher or your teaching yourself on the internet… Uoso will be an invaluable tool to aid you in your musical journey helping you transform the way you perceive and reproduce musical notes. Whether a seasoned musician aiming to reach new heights of excellence or an aspiring artist eager to explore the world of music, UOSO is meticulously crafted to adapt to your unique needs and aspirations.

Whether you’re taking, one on one, face to face lessons with your local music teacher, taking virtual lessons with your favorite online music teacher or your teaching yourself on the internet… Uoso will be an invaluable tool to aid you in your musical journey helping you transform the way you perceive and reproduce musical notes. Whether a seasoned musician aiming to reach new heights of excellence or an aspiring artist eager to explore the world of music, UOSO is meticulously crafted to adapt to your unique needs and aspirations.

At UOSO, we envision a trans-formative shift in the music training industry’s landscape. UOSO aims to revolutionize music training on two fronts.
The first being backing tracks.
The current state of the art for backing tracks is a fixed recording such as an mp3 file. UOSO’s practice tracks are active backing tracks, where you can change not only the tempo and the key but also the scale/mode the track uses and while midi tracks can have their tempo & key changed, unless you spend a lot of time and money on a studio setup, standard midi instruments tend to sound like a child’s toy. So to mitigate this UOSO uses sample based instruments in a high quality compressed format (to keep the size down), and with a single click UOSO will download and install a track along with all of it’s samples.
High quality active backing tracks at the touch of a button.
And the second being Ear Training.
The current state of the art for ear training is spending thousands of hours transcribing music or using apps that play a single midi instrument to train intervals, and while intervals are useful, they pale in comparison to scale degree ear training, which is what UOSO excels at, and not only do you get scale degree ear training, you get it in a musical context, so multiple instruments playing actual music. Then the icing on the cake is that you can do all of this hands free, so while you’re going for a run or while you’re going off to sleep at night or you can even play along on your instrument.
Check out UOSO’s built in “How To” videos and you’ll see how easy it is to integrate UOSO into your daily practice routine.
Immerse yourself in a world of endless melodies with our music practice app, offering a user-friendly interface, personalized learning, and an unparalleled musical experience.

3 Apps In One
UOSO is three apps in one.
An Ear Training App
A Practice Track App
& A Metronome App

Active Backing Tracks
Backing tracks that enable you to change not only the key and the tempo, but also the musical scale/diatonic mode the track uses.
1 UOSO track equivalent to a minimum of
84 normal backing tracks
and if you find 10 useful tempos
12 (keys) X 7 (scales) X 10 (BPM) = 840

In App Video Tutorials
The information Icons throughout UOSO open the in-app video tutorials which show you how to use UOSO and where necessary include a step by step preset setup walk through, from beginner through to elite levels.

Ear Training In A Musical Context
UOSO enables you to do your ear training with multiple instruments playing actual music.

Sample Based Instruments
UOSO uses sample based instruments (no MIDI instruments)
in a high quality compressed format to save space on your phone
and a single click download and install user experience, no messing around trying to get sample packs setup.

Unparalleled Audio Engine
UOSOs audio engine is insane. It’s milli second accurate and will run any of it’s tracks up to 1200 BPM without missing a beat, even when it’s in ear training mode and randomising chords and arpeggios on the fly.
It’s also super low on power consumption, usually running around 5-10% of your phones CPU.
We clocked it at round 20% battery usage, after an 8 hour run, on a Samsung S9.

Hands Free Ear Training
UOSO is designed to enable you to do your ear training hands free. This means you can just layer your ear training on top of one of your other daily tasks, that doesn’t require your undivided attention.

Practice Tracks
UOSO has 3 practice track categories, improvising, scale practice & sequence practice.The scale & sequence practice tracks have a demonstration instrument that plays over the track while you’re learning and can then be turned down once you know the technique and are ready to start speeding it up.

As with all UOSOs tracks, the metronome preset tracks can go from 30 to 1200 BPM with millisecond accuracy. 1200 BPM is probably only useful to people practicing for instrument speed competitions, but it is a testament to UOSOs capabilities.

Scale Degree Name Presets
UOSO has 8 scale degree name presets to choose from, plus a custom preset that enables you to enter any scale degree names you like.

Ear Training Categories
UOSO has 3 scale degree ear training categories.
– Single Note Training
– Chord Training
– Arpeggio Training

Custom Name Voice
You can customise the scale degree name voice to be female or male with different accents via the android text to speech engine in your phone.

Audio Mixer
UOSO has a simple dynamic audio mixer that gives you the ability to set the your volumes based on what UOSO mode you’re in.

Scale Presets
UOSO has 18 scale presets to choose from which include the common scales and the diatonic modes and a few extra for good measure, as well as a custom preset that enables you to dial in any scale you like.

Basic Colour Themes
UOSO enables you to change the colour theme for the app.
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